Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mar. 14, 2016 - Miracles Really Do Happen!

Yes. I saw probably the biggest miracle of my mission this week.

We found Lurdes last week just by stopping her in the road. She said she already knows about our church and has been before but it was never the right time. But now she feels likes we came into her life on the perfect day! So we leave a BOM with her and the next day we go to ther house and she's already read like all of 1 Nephi! WHOA! Then we goes on to tell us that her BF picked it up and is reading it too! And they both keep saying how true it is and how this time in their lives is exactly what they need. So we mark them both for baptism for the 27th of March. They come to chuch and loved it! Then we tell them that they need to get married before baptism. They totally agree and say that they have been thinking about it for a long time but never felt like they had a right place in which they should be married. But now they feel like this is the perfect place in this Church! DOUBLE WHOA!! 

So yeah we are going to be wedding planners these next 2 weeks. :D

But seriously this couple is ELECT! We started our 40 day fast of disobedience and the next 2 days we find this couple! Obedience brings blessings. Exact Obedience brings Miracles!! 

I think I have reached the point where I can say Ping Pong is an addiction. We took off our door to our closet and made a ping pong table! #Pdayeve

Love ya'll!

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